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1677 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY, 10029
United States

Infant Program

Infant Program

We believe that a child’s first learning experiences should happen at a place where they feel at home. In our Infant program students are loved, respected, and valued. We provide care and education to children from 3 months to 23 months of age. We have five Infant classrooms:

Classroom A: 3 – 11 months

Introducing children to reading from a very young age helps with developing early literacy.

Introducing children to reading from a very young age helps with developing early literacy.

During this age frame, children are provided with the constant love and attention that they need to nurture and encourage growth. They partake in regular activities including Tummy Time, which focuses on the child’s physical and cognitive development.

Classroom B12 – 15 months

This “wobbler” group participates in engaging activities with the teachers and each others to promote exploration and awareness of their surroundings. Teachers develop activities that encourage children to meet appropriate developmental milestones, such as their first steps, as well as other sensory and language activities.

Classroom C: 16 – 19 months

This classroom area offers more room for children to strengthen their balance, coordination, and social interaction with their peers. They also learn to function more independently by feeding themselves and sleeping on mats instead of cribs.

Classrooms D1 & D2: 18 – 23 months

Classroom D1 & D2 are filled with our 1-year- old students.  Children in this program are walking more steadily. Teachers work on strengthening the children’s fine and gross motor skills along with meeting new cognitive developmental milestones.