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1677 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY, 10029
United States



Working with young children can be both rewarding and challenging. It takes the right combination of qualities to make a great teacher, first and foremost, dedication.

Our teaching staff is dedicated to nurturing children as individuals and helping them learn to be loving, caring members of the classroom and the world around them. They strive to provide children with a developmentally appropriate, stimulating environment in which they can learn and grow to their fullest potential. Our teachers ensure that every child feels safe, welcome, and surrounded by stimulating activities.

At Friends & Family Day Care, our staff is comprised of fully qualified caregivers. Every teacher meets or exceeds the licensing requirements set forth by the state of New York. Several of our teachers have or are pursuing degrees in Early Childhood Education or related fields. All teachers are provided with CPR/First Aid training which is updated every two years. In addition, our staff has various opportunities for professional development throughout the year.

Our diverse staff of teachers comes with extensive backgrounds in Early Childhood Development. They provide a wonderful blend of experience and knowledge which they bring into the classroom each and every day.

We value our teachers and know they are the foundation to a successful school. We welcome you to contact us for a tour of our school and meet some of the wonderful, loving teachers at Friends & Family Day Care.

Ms. Rosa, Director

Ms. Miriam, Infant Lead Teacher

Ms. Velinda, Infant Lead Teacher

Ms. Taylor Washington

Ms. Joise, Toddler Lead Teacher

Ms. Shannon, Toddler Lead Teacher

Ms. Kendra, Young Preschool Lead Teacher

Ms. Melissa Q., Young Preschool Lead Teacher

Ms. Nicole, Assistant Director & Older Preschool Lead Teacher

Ms, Stacy, Assistant Director & Older Preschool Lead Teacher

Ms. Stephanie, Office Manager