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1677 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY, 10029
United States



For Parents

Dear Parent,

At Friends & Family Day Care, we know you have many options when it comes to child care. You may wonder why use a center based daycare rather than family or an in-home care provider. Some of the benefits include:

  • Your child gets the attention and support of the entire staff.
  • Trained Early Childhood Education teachers with expertise and experience.
  • Consistency that builds your child’s confidence and provides you with peace of mind.
  • Approved child care safety and security procedures.
  • A clean and healthy environment with nutritious meals for children.
  • Socialization with peers for your child’s communication skills and emotional growth.
  • Early Education programs with curriculum based on scientific research.
  • The convenience of early and late hours of availability.

Location, value and the quality of care are all important factors in your decision. You’ll want to place your child with a center that first cares for your child like you would.

Finally, you may wish to consider the relative value you and your child receive from the quality of care and development programs. Friends & Family Day Care develops well-rounded children, helping them grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. And, we offer a 1 year round program so your child will have even more fun as they grow and learn.

It is normal to feel uncertain about leaving your child in someone else’s care. At Friends & Family Day Care we understand and are sensitive to your concerns, and we’re here to answer any questions large or small. Whether you turn to Friends & Family Day Care or another child care provider, you need a partner who will work with you and your child to communicate, educate and nurture your entire family’s needs.